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Ezeelive – Hire Web Designers, Developers and SEO Expert

Hello Friend, Thanks for showing interest in careers with ezeelive web solution. We are leading web design and development company from Mumbai, India. We are working with UK and USA Based company who provided us regular work in web designing and development. They have very high expect in design as well as development.So we have inhouse team for handling and doing work, But sometime they get lots of work from their which can not handle at same time and We require Experience Web Expert in Web Design, Development and SEO. We hire as Freelance or Project Basis work for experience people who have min 4-5 year experience in their industry.

Freelannce Web Designer : We have require freelance web designer who can provide design (In PSD Format) in below points:

1. Layout should be clean and neat.
2. Website Layout Color and Font (google font, cufon) should be proper readable.
3. Attractive logo design.
4. High resolutions images.
5. Clients suggest black colors (But designers is free to use some nice color combo with black).
6. Designer is free to provide and suggestions.

Reference Website Link :

Please send your work profile or portfolio at,

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