Hello Friend, In one my project developed in yii . I was struggling to export the cgridview data into excel. I searched many plugin and read the tutorial. But not get proper solution specially with relational data from one or many models (database tables). I try eexcelview, toexcel etc. yii plugin but it was really slow specially on large data fetch and also not getting proper excel format. After spending some time, i planed to write my own custom export in excel code in yii framework . 1. In model search function define session global variable and store active search data (set pagination false so you will get all the record without paging) public function search() { $criteria=new CDbCriteria; $criteria->compare('vendor_debit_id',$this->vendor_debit_id); $criteria->compare('hotel_id',$this->hotel_id); $criteria->compare('supplier_name',$this->supplier_name,true); $criteria->compare('debit_amount',$this->debit_amount)...
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