Zend Framework is an open source, object oriented web application framework build for enterprises and high level web application development . Zend Framework(ZF) provided bunch of libraries which is helping developer in web development. ZF is little hard to install and understand for beginner(freshers) specially who are working first time in any framework specially zend framework 2 installation.There is many website who are providing step to install zend framework in windows machine but personally they haven't put installation step very clearly to keep in mind for freshers. Here is steps install zend framework in wamp (Windows) : 1. Download zend framework skeleton from https://github.com/zendframework/ZendSkeletonApplication 2. Unzip ZendSkeletonApplication-master and rename it zf (change folder name as your convenience). 3. Copy zf and paste it in wamp's www root directory in my case its c:\wamp\www 4. Now download composer window installer from...
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