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Showing posts from 2014

The Good and Bad parts of JSON

JSON stands for the javascript object notation which is light weighted which is designed for the human readable data interchange format. The JSON filename extension is .json. Json is based on the object notation of the javascript language. It has its many advantages and disadvantages. The first and foremost advantage of JSON is its fast server side parsing which also makes the whole execution of the project very fast but if it will be not on the trusted network then it can also harm you. If you are going to use JSON services, it's very important to be aware of the threats which JSON have in that. JSON working is same as the XML parsing but JSON  gives the result in the well structured way than XML.  Read More about How to create Web Service using JSON, PHP and MySQL:

Reason for choose drupal secure open source cms system

Ezeelive Technologies India - Drupal Developer in Mumbai Drupal is a open source Content Management System (CMS) which was released under GNU license which is open for anyone. Anyone can download it and they can make their website for personal use or for making the professional websites. It is very reliable and efficient in use which also have feature of integration of third party API in very easy way and in short time. Just like another PHP frameworks it also runs on the all operating system. It has wide range of Community support, the most famous website example using the drupal is USA government website i.e.  Click here to read more about drupal secure cms system :

MCommerce Development Company in India

Today if you will search on the internet for the online shopping you will get a huge number of websites that they will confuse you completely as to which website to choose or not to choose. User will try to access and book the product from their smartphones most of the time so anyway mobile app will grow your E-commerce business day by day, and hence it becomes a necessity to have a mobile application if you have e-commerce website. E-commerce applications are playing vital role in the growth of business because everyone wants everything in their smartphone so they can book all the things from their mobile. Click here to read in detail :

Shopify eCommerce Development Company in India

Shopify is a ecommerce solution that help to make the online store to sell your goods. Its very easy to setup and only need to do small changes if you want to add the products. It comes with the basic plan of $29,the professional plan of $79 and unlimited $179 plan. It has its own transaction charges depending on the plan you choose. For basic its 1%, for professional 2% and 0% transaction fee in unlimited plan. Also it comes with the 14 days trial period till that you can try it to see its benefits and features after that you can upgrade it. Shopify is best for the small business purpose because for big business it does not have that much functionality and features... Read for Shopify eCommerce System - Pros and Cons :

Laravel – PHP Framework

Laravel is a latest customized MVC framework released by the PHP. Laravel version 1 beta was released on June 9, 2011 to fill the better functionality for the developer and to give the more easy way of use to the user. According to the survey on PHP in 2013 laravel was the most popular framework to be used. If you want to use the Laravel then you must first of all have to install the composer in system then through that you can install the laravel. The latest version of laravel is beta 4.2. If you want to make the Oauth server or any authentication server then this framework is the best option for you. Click here to read in detail :

How to implement social media login in web project or application using PHP?

The third party integration is considered as a most powerfultool for the any website also many users who come online don’t want to fill the registration part every time. That’s the reason is that the term called as API got implemented which do the same thing which you was doing after the registration form them login and then you proceed top the website and use the service. But these API implementation made it very easy to login and complete the registration form in as easy as login way. If you want to use the same credential to be used on all websites to login then you must have to be the minimum one login credential but the most popular is Google, facebook and twitter etc. Click to read full article :

10 Reason why Codeigniter mvc framework is better than other PHP Frameworks

Codeigniter is a PHP framework which uses the MVC pattern for the development and gives the many flexible way to do the coding and make the project. It has many in build library which helps a lot for the development and immediate using these things also make the project development time less which also saves your lots of timing and money. Codeigniter contains the many folders and file after installation in that only we have to make the changes the do the coding. It makes the development in less coding and also reduces the duplicate code methods so it makes the execution fast and perfect. Click to read full article :

Social Media – How affects your daily life?

As you here the Social Media work you just start thinking that on that website I have my account or not on that website? But these all are not right concern with the social media you have to think on that how much you got addicted towards these things and because of these things how many your other things like work, study, family all disturbing and you not giving them the proper times. These are the things which our Engineers done a great a job by making it and whole world is using it. You can think that these any social media is just the creation of one person or just the 5-6 number person group. But at the time when they were making it they didn’t thought about that it will be so popular so just salute them and use it in a very proper and effective way and take its best result... Read More :

MySQL versus MongoDB - Which one is winner and looser based on performance?

This article compares the MySQL vs MongoDB from its basics by comparing their differances and pros and cons . We tried to find out which one better in these two technologies by searching on their execution time, query processing time, in which manner these both process the data and how effectively they give the result and many more. Everyone has its own need and own thinking towards using the query and how to process it so it all depend on the developer which one suite for them. I come to an end that MongoDB is much easier to code and for the big data store and retrieval of the result but in other hand MySQL  also has its own advantages. Click to read complete article :

5 Basic Things You Should Follow In Website Design

Website designing is purely a skill that is derived through the Internet or from the web. This particularly involves greater use of graphics, charts, images, sounds, videos and text. All such deeds are done in order to design a website. It is always considered very essential as it helps websites to become more appealing or interesting for all the clients. It is a very important tool that can easily enhance the popularity of any business.... Read More :

Connect Jira Tempo Rest Api with PHP

Add caption Jira is well known team planning and management application. Thousands of companies using Jira to assign work and tean activities. Jira provides facilities to add plugin as per your requirement. Jira Tempo is one of famous Plugin to get the User, Task and Time-line Reports. Tempo Restful Api build in Java... Read More :

3dcart ecommerce system

It is another package deal eCommerce floor that has deals for dealers of all sizes. Their rates are on the lower end for a quick fix of this scale, and 3dcart is not a difficult platform to use in comparison to its competitors. It is a shopping cart computer program which is used to form eCommerce Internet sites... Read More :

Comparison between Prestashop and CS Cart eCommerce System

We (Ezeelive Technologies) are comparison CS Cart with another famouns eCommerce system called Prestashop. Both Prestashop and CS Cart use their own in-build Php MVC pattern. Our development team have find  Prestashop  has such good features like Frontend and Backend Speed, Product Comparison, URL Rewriting, HTML5 Image Uploader, Taxes, Stores Locator etc. Read more :

Create custom params file in yii framework

Yii framework  is come with powerful inbuild  features  eg.  1. Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern  2. Database Access Objects (DAO)  3. Custom Query Builder, Active Record (AR) and DB Migration 4. Form input and validation  5. AJAX-enabled widgets  6. Authentication and authorization  7. Layout Skinning and theming  8. Web services  9. Internationalization (I18N) and localization (L10N)  10. Layered caching scheme  11. Error handling and logging  12. Security  13. Unit and functionality testing  14. Automatic code generation (Gii Module)  15. Friendly with third-party code 16. Detailed documentation  17. Extension library etc. Most of  yii beginner  write parameter in main.php because thats pattern comes in installed  yii framework . This is fine if you have less parameter but if you are building large web portal or application then it's very hard to manage every thing ...

FACEBOOK - Why is it an addiction?

Have you anytime thought to yourself that why do you go to facebook again and again and is it actually for you? Why is it that people from all generation are on facebook making it the most popular website and a sudden-everywhere social networking portal. Here are the few reasons that makes  facebook  addictive to you , me and everybody else. Simple yet smart design:  The interface of facebook has made it one of most user friendly website. It is not confusing at all.  Facebook  has a to-the-point streamlined interface which helps in easy movements on the website. The blue colour theme of the website is soothing to the eyes and coming back to facebook or sitting hours onto it never gets tiring. Facebook usage is simple yet smart. Catching up is quick:  Getting started with facebook is very simple. One just has to enter few details and there you go. Facebook provides a step by step procedure to make sure you build your profile, make your actual f...

Install Zend Framework in Wamp

Zend Framework is an open source, object oriented web application framework build for enterprises and high level  web application development . Zend Framework(ZF) provided bunch of libraries which is helping developer in web development. ZF is little hard to install and understand for beginner(freshers) specially who are working first time in any framework specially zend framework 2 installation.There is many website who are providing step to install zend framework in windows machine but personally they haven't put installation step very clearly to keep in mind for freshers. Here is steps  install zend framework in wamp  (Windows) : 1. Download zend framework skeleton from 2. Unzip ZendSkeletonApplication-master and rename it zf (change folder name as your convenience). 3. Copy zf and paste it in wamp's www root directory in my case its  c:\wamp\www 4. Now download composer window installer from...

How to Use Two Database in Yii PHP Framework

Recently in one of Ireland based project client has requirement to use existing Microsoft SQL Server database and implement new feature and store data into MySQL database with Yii Framework. First we have  install and implement microsoft sql server driver in wamp server  to make in localhost environment. Now we have to connect both the Database in Yii Framework. Following is steps to implement in Yii Framework : 1. In protected/config folder open main.php and add below code in component for mysql and sql server connection 'db'=>array(  // default mysql connection 'connectionString' => 'mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;dbname=db_name', 'emulatePrepare' => true, 'username' => 'db_username', 'password' => 'db_password', 'charset' => 'utf8', 'tablePrefix' =>'tbl_',  // if have prefix in database tables ), 'msdb'=>array( // microsoft sql server connection ...

Install Microsoft SQL Server Driver with WAMP

Most of PHP developer very much familiar with MySQL Database but We talk about Microsoft SQL Server we find lack for knowledge on PHP with SQL Server even on the google and official website. Even the hosting company provide Pre-installed PHP and MySQL on the Server. Here some explicit instructions for install Microsoft SQLServ Driver in WAMP 32bit with PHP 5.3 : 1. Open for Download Microsoft SQLServ PHP Driver 2. Download SQLSRV30.EXE (Windows Vista, Server 2008, Windows 7 or above) or SQLSRV20.EXE (Server 2003/Windows XP or below). 3. Run SQLSRV30.EXE and enter your PHP bin folder path to Install Driver DLL files. 4. Open php.ini file and enable php sqlserv extensions extension=php_pdo_sqlsrv_53_ts.dll extension=php_sqlsrv_53_ts.dll 5. Restart All services in Wamp and confirm pdo_sqlsrv extension enable in phpinfo 6. Put you database connection string detail and User below php code to check database connec...

Custom export into excel in Yii Framework

Hello Friend, In one my project  developed in yii . I was struggling to export the cgridview data into excel. I searched many plugin and read the tutorial. But not get proper solution specially with relational data from one or many models (database tables). I try eexcelview, toexcel etc. yii plugin but it was really slow specially on large data fetch and also not getting proper excel format. After spending some time, i planed to write my own custom export in excel code in  yii framework . 1. In model search function define session global variable and store active search data (set pagination false so you will get all the record without paging) public function search() { $criteria=new CDbCriteria; $criteria->compare('vendor_debit_id',$this->vendor_debit_id); $criteria->compare('hotel_id',$this->hotel_id); $criteria->compare('supplier_name',$this->supplier_name,true); $criteria->compare('debit_amount',$this->debit_amount)...