Ezeelive Technologies is leading yii php development company. We have started work with core php and then frameworks e.g. Zend, CakePhp, CodeIgnator (CI), Symphony, Kohana and from last 3 year we are using Yii Framework. Now We are prefering using Yii framework in Major development work. Checkout below reason why Yii Framework is our First Choice in development : 1. The first and major advantages is Yii has Web GUI based GII module for generate module, model, controller and views 2. In GII You can select which view you want to create or not by selecting in one screen only. 3. Creating Model in Gii Provide AutoPopulate Table Names to selection 4. Yii has in-build ORM module (Yii Active Record) to making query faster, validate and secure (protection from sql injection) 5. Yii is build for development faster and provide delivery to client on time. The Gii Module generate the require structured CRUD with all the basic input validation, search and listing, view and update functionali...
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